Selecting from channels

                  fun CoroutineScope.fizz() = produce<String> {
    while (true) { // sends "Fizz" every 300 ms
                    func CoroutineScope.fizz() = produce<String> {
    while (true) { // sends "Fizz" every 300 ms
                  fun = produce<String> {
    while (true) { // sends "Buzz!" every 500 ms
                    func = produce<String> {
    while (true) { // sends "Buzz!" every 500 ms
                  suspend fun selectFizzBuzz(fizz: ReceiveChannel<String>, buzz: ReceiveChannel<String>) {
    select<Unit> { // <Unit> means that this select expression does not produce any result 
        fizz.onReceive { value ->  // this is the first select clause
            println("fizz -> '$value'")
        buzz.onReceive { value ->  // this is the second select clause
            println("buzz -> '$value'")
                    suspend func selectFizzBuzz(fizz: ReceiveChannel<String>, buzz: ReceiveChannel<String>) {
    select<Unit> { // <Unit> means that this select expression does not produce any result 
        fizz.onReceive { value ->  // this is the first select clause
            print("fizz -> '$value'")
        buzz.onReceive { value ->  // this is the second select clause
            print("buzz -> '$value'")
                  val fizz = fizz()
val buzz = buzz()
repeat(7) {
    selectFizzBuzz(fizz, buzz)
coroutineContext.cancelChildren() // cancel fizz & buzz coroutines
                    let fizz = fizz()
let buzz = buzz()
repeat(7) {
    selectFizzBuzz(fizz, buzz)
coroutineContext.cancelChildren() // cancel fizz & buzz coroutines

Selecting on close

                  suspend fun selectAorB(a: ReceiveChannel<String>, b: ReceiveChannel<String>): String =
    select<String> {
        a.onReceiveOrNull { value -> 
            if (value == null) 
                "Channel 'a' is closed" 
                "a -> '$value'"
        b.onReceiveOrNull { value -> 
            if (value == null) 
                "Channel 'b' is closed"
                "b -> '$value'"
                    suspend func selectAorB(a: ReceiveChannel<String>, b: ReceiveChannel<String>) -> String =
    select<String> {
        a.onReceiveOrNull { value -> 
            if (value == null) 
                "Channel 'a' is closed" 
                "a -> '$value'"
        b.onReceiveOrNull { value -> 
            if (value == null) 
                "Channel 'b' is closed"
                "b -> '$value'"
                  val a = produce<String> {
    repeat(4) { send("Hello $it") }
val b = produce<String> {
    repeat(4) { send("World $it") }
repeat(8) { // print first eight results
    println(selectAorB(a, b))
                    let a = produce<String> {
    repeat(4) { send("Hello $it") }
let b = produce<String> {
    repeat(4) { send("World $it") }
repeat(8) { // print first eight results
    print(selectAorB(a, b))

Selecting to send

                  fun CoroutineScope.produceNumbers(side: SendChannel<Int>) = produce<Int> {
    for (num in 1..10) { // produce 10 numbers from 1 to 10
        delay(100) // every 100 ms
        select<Unit> {
            onSend(num) {} // Send to the primary channel
            side.onSend(num) {} // or to the side channel     
                    func CoroutineScope.produceNumbers(side: SendChannel<Int>) = produce<Int> {
    for (num in 1..10) { // produce 10 numbers from 1 to 10
        delay(100) // every 100 ms
        select<Unit> {
            onSend(num) {} // Send to the primary channel
            side.onSend(num) {} // or to the side channel     
                  val side = Channel<Int>() // allocate side channel
launch { // this is a very fast consumer for the side channel
    side.consumeEach { println("Side channel has $it") }
produceNumbers(side).consumeEach { 
    println("Consuming $it")
    delay(250) // let us digest the consumed number properly, do not hurry
println("Done consuming")
                    let side = Channel<Int>() // allocate side channel
launch { // this is a very fast consumer for the side channel
    side.consumeEach { print("Side channel has $it") }
produceNumbers(side).consumeEach { 
    print("Consuming $it")
    delay(250) // let us digest the consumed number properly, do not hurry
print("Done consuming")

Selecting deferred values

                  fun CoroutineScope.asyncString(time: Int) = async {
    "Waited for $time ms"
                    func CoroutineScope.asyncString(time: Int) = async {
    "Waited for $time ms"
                  fun CoroutineScope.asyncStringsList(): List<Deferred<String>> {
    val random = Random(3)
    return List(12) { asyncString(random.nextInt(1000)) }
                    func CoroutineScope.asyncStringsList(): List<Deferred<String>> {
    let random = Random(3)
    return List(12) { asyncString(random.nextInt(1000)) }
                  val list = asyncStringsList()
val result = select<String> {
    list.withIndex().forEach { (index, deferred) ->
        deferred.onAwait { answer ->
            "Deferred $index produced answer '$answer'"
val countActive = list.count { it.isActive }
println("$countActive coroutines are still active")
                    let list = asyncStringsList()
let result = select<String> {
    list.withIndex().forEach { (index, deferred) ->
        deferred.onAwait { answer ->
            "Deferred $index produced answer '$answer'"
let countActive = list.count { it.isActive }
print("$countActive coroutines are still active")

Switch over a channel of deferred values

                  fun CoroutineScope.switchMapDeferreds(input: ReceiveChannel<Deferred<String>>) = produce<String> {
    var current = input.receive() // start with first received deferred value
    while (isActive) { // loop while not cancelled/closed
        val next = select<Deferred<String>?> { // return next deferred value from this select or null
            input.onReceiveOrNull { update ->
                update // replaces next value to wait
            current.onAwait { value ->  
                send(value) // send value that current deferred has produced
                input.receiveOrNull() // and use the next deferred from the input channel
        if (next == null) {
            println("Channel was closed")
            break // out of loop
        } else {
            current = next
                    func CoroutineScope.switchMapDeferreds(input: ReceiveChannel<Deferred<String>>) = produce<String> {
    var current = input.receive() // start with first received deferred value
    while (isActive) { // loop while not cancelled/closed
        let next = select<Deferred<String>?> { // return next deferred value from this select or null
            input.onReceiveOrNull { update ->
                update // replaces next value to wait
            current.onAwait { value ->  
                send(value) // send value that current deferred has produced
                input.receiveOrNull() // and use the next deferred from the input channel
        if (next == null) {
            print("Channel was closed")
            break // out of loop
        } else {
            current = next
                  fun CoroutineScope.asyncString(str: String, time: Long) = async {
                    func CoroutineScope.asyncString(str: String, time: Long) = async {
                  val chan = Channel<Deferred<String>>() // the channel for test
launch { // launch printing coroutine
    for (s in switchMapDeferreds(chan)) 
    println(s) // print each received string
chan.send(asyncString("BEGIN", 100))
delay(200) // enough time for "BEGIN" to be produced
chan.send(asyncString("Slow", 500))
delay(100) // not enough time to produce slow
chan.send(asyncString("Replace", 100))
delay(500) // give it time before the last one
chan.send(asyncString("END", 500))
delay(1000) // give it time to process
chan.close() // close the channel ... 
delay(500) // and wait some time to let it finish
                    let chan = Channel<Deferred<String>>() // the channel for test
launch { // launch printing coroutine
    for (s in switchMapDeferreds(chan)) 
    print(s) // print each received string
chan.send(asyncString("BEGIN", 100))
delay(200) // enough time for "BEGIN" to be produced
chan.send(asyncString("Slow", 500))
delay(100) // not enough time to produce slow
chan.send(asyncString("Replace", 100))
delay(500) // give it time before the last one
chan.send(asyncString("END", 500))
delay(1000) // give it time to process
chan.close() // close the channel ... 
delay(500) // and wait some time to let it finish