
This Expression


Qualified this

                  class A { // implicit label @A
    inner class B { // implicit label @B
        fun Int.foo() { // implicit label @foo
            val a = this@A // A's this
            val b = this@B // B's this
            val c = this // foo()'s receiver, an Int
            val c1 = this@foo // foo()'s receiver, an Int
            val funLit = lambda@ fun String.() {
                val d = this // funLit's receiver
            val funLit2 = { s: String ->
                // foo()'s receiver, since enclosing lambda expression
                // doesn't have any receiver
                val d1 = this
                    class A { // implicit label @A
    inner class B { // implicit label @B
        func Int.foo() { // implicit label @foo
            let a = this@A // A's this
            let b = this@B // B's this
            let c = this // foo()'s receiver, an Int
            let c1 = this@foo // foo()'s receiver, an Int
            let funLit = lambda@ func String.() {
                let d = this // funLit's receiver
            let funLit2 = { s: String ->
                // foo()'s receiver, since enclosing lambda expression
                // doesn't have any receiver
                let d1 = this

Implicit this

                  fun printLine() { println("Top-level function") }
class A {
    fun printLine() { println("Member function") }
    fun invokePrintLine(omitThis: Boolean = false)  { 
        if (omitThis) printLine()
        else this.printLine()
A().invokePrintLine() // Member function
A().invokePrintLine(omitThis = true) // Top-level function
                    func printLine() { print("Top-level function") }
class A {
    func printLine() { print("Member function") }
    func invokePrintLine(omitThis: Boolean = false)  { 
        if (omitThis) printLine()
        else this.printLine()
A().invokePrintLine() // Member function
A().invokePrintLine(omitThis = true) // Top-level function