

                  init() {

    // perform some initialization here

                  struct Fahrenheit {

    var temperature: Double

    init() {

        temperature = 32.0



var f = Fahrenheit()

print("The default temperature is \(f.temperature)° Fahrenheit")

// Prints "The default temperature is 32.0° Fahrenheit"

Default Property Values

                  struct Fahrenheit {

    var temperature = 32.0


Initialization Parameters

                  struct Celsius {

    var temperatureInCelsius: Double

    init(fromFahrenheit fahrenheit: Double) {

        temperatureInCelsius = (fahrenheit - 32.0) / 1.8


    init(fromKelvin kelvin: Double) {

        temperatureInCelsius = kelvin - 273.15



let boilingPointOfWater = Celsius(fromFahrenheit: 212.0)

// boilingPointOfWater.temperatureInCelsius is 100.0

let freezingPointOfWater = Celsius(fromKelvin: 273.15)

// freezingPointOfWater.temperatureInCelsius is 0.0

Parameter Names and Argument Labels

                  struct Color {

    let red, green, blue: Double

    init(red: Double, green: Double, blue: Double) {   = red = green  = blue


    init(white: Double) {

        red   = white

        green = white

        blue  = white


                  let magenta = Color(red: 1.0, green: 0.0, blue: 1.0)

let halfGray = Color(white: 0.5)
                  let veryGreen = Color(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

// this reports a compile-time error - argument labels are required

Initializer Parameters Without Argument Labels

                  struct Celsius {

    var temperatureInCelsius: Double

    init(fromFahrenheit fahrenheit: Double) {

        temperatureInCelsius = (fahrenheit - 32.0) / 1.8


    init(fromKelvin kelvin: Double) {

        temperatureInCelsius = kelvin - 273.15


    init(_ celsius: Double) {

        temperatureInCelsius = celsius



let bodyTemperature = Celsius(37.0)

// bodyTemperature.temperatureInCelsius is 37.0

Optional Property Types

                  class SurveyQuestion {

    var text: String

    var response: String?

    init(text: String) {

        self.text = text


    func ask() {




let cheeseQuestion = SurveyQuestion(text: "Do you like cheese?")


// Prints "Do you like cheese?"

cheeseQuestion.response = "Yes, I do like cheese."

Assigning Constant Properties During Initialization

                  class SurveyQuestion {

    let text: String

    var response: String?

    init(text: String) {

        self.text = text


    func ask() {




let beetsQuestion = SurveyQuestion(text: "How about beets?")


// Prints "How about beets?"

beetsQuestion.response = "I also like beets. (But not with cheese.)"

Default Initializers

                  class ShoppingListItem {

    var name: String?

    var quantity = 1

    var purchased = false


var item = ShoppingListItem()

Memberwise Initializers for Structure Types

                  struct Size {

    var width = 0.0, height = 0.0


let twoByTwo = Size(width: 2.0, height: 2.0)
                  let zeroByTwo = Size(height: 2.0)

print(zeroByTwo.width, zeroByTwo.height)

// Prints "0.0 2.0"

let zeroByZero = Size()

print(zeroByZero.width, zeroByZero.height)

// Prints "0.0 0.0"

Initializer Delegation for Value Types

                  struct Size {

    var width = 0.0, height = 0.0


struct Point {

    var x = 0.0, y = 0.0

                  struct Rect {

    var origin = Point()

    var size = Size()

    init() {}

    init(origin: Point, size: Size) {

        self.origin = origin

        self.size = size


    init(center: Point, size: Size) {

        let originX = center.x - (size.width / 2)

        let originY = center.y - (size.height / 2)

        self.init(origin: Point(x: originX, y: originY), size: size)


                  let basicRect = Rect()

// basicRect's origin is (0.0, 0.0) and its size is (0.0, 0.0)
                  let originRect = Rect(origin: Point(x: 2.0, y: 2.0),

                      size: Size(width: 5.0, height: 5.0))

// originRect's origin is (2.0, 2.0) and its size is (5.0, 5.0)
                  let centerRect = Rect(center: Point(x: 4.0, y: 4.0),

                      size: Size(width: 3.0, height: 3.0))

// centerRect's origin is (2.5, 2.5) and its size is (3.0, 3.0)

Syntax for Designated and Convenience Initializers

                  init(parameters) {


                  convenience init(parameters) {



Initializer Inheritance and Overriding

                  class Vehicle {

    var numberOfWheels = 0

    var description: String {

        return "\(numberOfWheels) wheel(s)"


                  let vehicle = Vehicle()

print("Vehicle: \(vehicle.description)")

// Vehicle: 0 wheel(s)
                  class Bicycle: Vehicle {

    override init() {


        numberOfWheels = 2


                  let bicycle = Bicycle()

print("Bicycle: \(bicycle.description)")

// Bicycle: 2 wheel(s)
                  class Hoverboard: Vehicle {

    var color: String

    init(color: String) {

        self.color = color

        // super.init() implicitly called here


    override var description: String {

        return "\(super.description) in a beautiful \(color)"


                  let hoverboard = Hoverboard(color: "silver")

print("Hoverboard: \(hoverboard.description)")

// Hoverboard: 0 wheel(s) in a beautiful silver

Designated and Convenience Initializers in Action

                  class Food {

    var name: String

    init(name: String) { = name


    convenience init() {

        self.init(name: "[Unnamed]")


                  let namedMeat = Food(name: "Bacon")

// namedMeat's name is "Bacon"
                  let mysteryMeat = Food()

// mysteryMeat's name is "[Unnamed]"
                  class RecipeIngredient: Food {

    var quantity: Int

    init(name: String, quantity: Int) {

        self.quantity = quantity

        super.init(name: name)


    override convenience init(name: String) {

        self.init(name: name, quantity: 1)


                  let oneMysteryItem = RecipeIngredient()

let oneBacon = RecipeIngredient(name: "Bacon")

let sixEggs = RecipeIngredient(name: "Eggs", quantity: 6)
                  class ShoppingListItem: RecipeIngredient {

    var purchased = false

    var description: String {

        var output = "\(quantity) x \(name)"

        output += purchased ? " ✔" : " ✘"

        return output


                  var breakfastList = [


    ShoppingListItem(name: "Bacon"),

    ShoppingListItem(name: "Eggs", quantity: 6),


breakfastList[0].name = "Orange juice"

breakfastList[0].purchased = true

for item in breakfastList {



// 1 x Orange juice ✔

// 1 x Bacon ✘

// 6 x Eggs ✘

Failable Initializers

                  let wholeNumber: Double = 12345.0

let pi = 3.14159

if let valueMaintained = Int(exactly: wholeNumber) {

    print("\(wholeNumber) conversion to Int maintains value of \(valueMaintained)")


// Prints "12345.0 conversion to Int maintains value of 12345"

let valueChanged = Int(exactly: pi)

// valueChanged is of type Int?, not Int

if valueChanged == nil {

    print("\(pi) conversion to Int does not maintain value")


// Prints "3.14159 conversion to Int does not maintain value"
                  struct Animal {

    let species: String

    init?(species: String) {

        if species.isEmpty { return nil }

        self.species = species


                  let someCreature = Animal(species: "Giraffe")

// someCreature is of type Animal?, not Animal

if let giraffe = someCreature {

    print("An animal was initialized with a species of \(giraffe.species)")


// Prints "An animal was initialized with a species of Giraffe"
                  let anonymousCreature = Animal(species: "")

// anonymousCreature is of type Animal?, not Animal

if anonymousCreature == nil {

    print("The anonymous creature could not be initialized")


// Prints "The anonymous creature could not be initialized"

Failable Initializers for Enumerations

                  enum TemperatureUnit {

    case kelvin, celsius, fahrenheit

    init?(symbol: Character) {

        switch symbol {

        case "K":

            self = .kelvin

        case "C":

            self = .celsius

        case "F":

            self = .fahrenheit


            return nil



                  let fahrenheitUnit = TemperatureUnit(symbol: "F")

if fahrenheitUnit != nil {

    print("This is a defined temperature unit, so initialization succeeded.")


// Prints "This is a defined temperature unit, so initialization succeeded."

let unknownUnit = TemperatureUnit(symbol: "X")

if unknownUnit == nil {

    print("This is not a defined temperature unit, so initialization failed.")


// Prints "This is not a defined temperature unit, so initialization failed."

Failable Initializers for Enumerations with Raw Values

                  enum TemperatureUnit: Character {

    case kelvin = "K", celsius = "C", fahrenheit = "F"


let fahrenheitUnit = TemperatureUnit(rawValue: "F")

if fahrenheitUnit != nil {

    print("This is a defined temperature unit, so initialization succeeded.")


// Prints "This is a defined temperature unit, so initialization succeeded."

let unknownUnit = TemperatureUnit(rawValue: "X")

if unknownUnit == nil {

    print("This is not a defined temperature unit, so initialization failed.")


// Prints "This is not a defined temperature unit, so initialization failed."

Propagation of Initialization Failure

                  class Product {

    let name: String

    init?(name: String) {

        if name.isEmpty { return nil } = name



class CartItem: Product {

    let quantity: Int

    init?(name: String, quantity: Int) {

        if quantity < 1 { return nil }

        self.quantity = quantity

        super.init(name: name)


                  if let twoSocks = CartItem(name: "sock", quantity: 2) {

    print("Item: \(, quantity: \(twoSocks.quantity)")


// Prints "Item: sock, quantity: 2"
                  if let zeroShirts = CartItem(name: "shirt", quantity: 0) {

    print("Item: \(, quantity: \(zeroShirts.quantity)")

} else {

    print("Unable to initialize zero shirts")


// Prints "Unable to initialize zero shirts"
                  if let oneUnnamed = CartItem(name: "", quantity: 1) {

    print("Item: \(, quantity: \(oneUnnamed.quantity)")

} else {

    print("Unable to initialize one unnamed product")


// Prints "Unable to initialize one unnamed product"

Overriding a Failable Initializer

                  class Document {

    var name: String?

    // this initializer creates a document with a nil name value

    init() {}

    // this initializer creates a document with a nonempty name value

    init?(name: String) {

        if name.isEmpty { return nil } = name


                  class AutomaticallyNamedDocument: Document {

    override init() {

        super.init() = "[Untitled]"


    override init(name: String) {


        if name.isEmpty {

   = "[Untitled]"

        } else {

   = name



                  class UntitledDocument: Document {

    override init() {

        super.init(name: "[Untitled]")!



Required Initializers

                  class SomeClass {

    required init() {

        // initializer implementation goes here


                  class SomeSubclass: SomeClass {

    required init() {

        // subclass implementation of the required initializer goes here



Setting a Default Property Value with a Closure or Function

                  class SomeClass {

    let someProperty: SomeType = {

        // create a default value for someProperty inside this closure

        // someValue must be of the same type as SomeType

        return someValue


                  struct Chessboard {

    let boardColors: [Bool] = {

        var temporaryBoard = [Bool]()

        var isBlack = false

        for i in 1...8 {

            for j in 1...8 {


                isBlack = !isBlack


            isBlack = !isBlack


        return temporaryBoard


    func squareIsBlackAt(row: Int, column: Int) -> Bool {

        return boardColors[(row * 8) + column]


                  let board = Chessboard()

print(board.squareIsBlackAt(row: 0, column: 1))

// Prints "true"

print(board.squareIsBlackAt(row: 7, column: 7))

// Prints "false"