Nested Types

Nested Types in Action

                  struct BlackjackCard {

    // nested Suit enumeration

    enum Suit: Character {

        case spades = "♠", hearts = "♡", diamonds = "♢", clubs = "♣"


    // nested Rank enumeration

    enum Rank: Int {

        case two = 2, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

        case jack, queen, king, ace

        struct Values {

            let first: Int, second: Int?


        var values: Values {

            switch self {

            case .ace:

                return Values(first: 1, second: 11)

            case .jack, .queen, .king:

                return Values(first: 10, second: nil)


                return Values(first: self.rawValue, second: nil)




    // BlackjackCard properties and methods

    let rank: Rank, suit: Suit

    var description: String {

        var output = "suit is \(suit.rawValue),"

        output += " value is \(rank.values.first)"

        if let second = rank.values.second {

            output += " or \(second)"


        return output


                  let theAceOfSpades = BlackjackCard(rank: .ace, suit: .spades)

print("theAceOfSpades: \(theAceOfSpades.description)")

// Prints "theAceOfSpades: suit is ♠, value is 1 or 11"

Referring to Nested Types

                  let heartsSymbol = BlackjackCard.Suit.hearts.rawValue

// heartsSymbol is "♡"